Do U want to think more CLEARLY?

Do U want to LISTEN more INTENTLY?

Do U want to counterbalance TECHNOLOGY?

Do U want to HEAL FASTER?

Do U want to SLEEP more DEEPLY?

What if I told U a
few pieces of wood was all U needed?

Would U believe me?

It’s TRUE.

Never before has there been a system as complete as the uThrones System.

I'm living proof that U can use the uThrones System to resolve pains & fully-develop more of the potential U possess.

We do can this while preempting the postural problems... well as the cellular-metabolic challenges...

…that are handicapping our people’s health & vitality.  

The system simultaneously enhances the body by incrementally sensitizing us to the continuum of movements that make the uThrones System effective at counterbalancing the force of Gravity. 

How do we solve current problems while
preempting future ones?

    By aligning, expanding & elevating.  Why?  B/c that’s how we counterbalance the stressors & pressures that the modern world requires our bodies to bear.  There is a continuum of postures that the human body needs in order for the body to absorb the force of gravity EVENLY.

   Breath & posture are two of the most important aspects of Life, but that centrality is being ignored by too many people, too much of the time — and the damage is being done.   

   The body can help support itself by using postures that harness our lung’s capacity to lift our bodies.  When we’re breathing completely, we’re slowly filling our lungs and reducing the tension in the body — allowing the heart to pump oxygen to the trillions of cells that make us who we are.  If we’re breathing through our nasal cavity, then we’re getting the added benefit of maximal spinal length by completing the  erector-spinae muscle activation. 

This reduces the pressure on the discs between the vertebrae – thus preempting injuries, and maximizing the spine’s protective power.  Its job is to protect the nerve pathways w/in from all threats and it does a good job — it’s our duty to help it as much as we can. 


The uThrones system of movements & postures can, at the most fundamental level, help us breathe, move, think, live and be better.  

   This system may seem overly simplistic, but simple principles & postures are exactly what we need to counterbalance the complexity & chaos that defines the modern world.  Not only can we address the current problems, but we can also preempt the future ones. 

   Every person can create these positions and truly transform themselves.  Each of our DNA blueprints contains the same awesome potential, but it’s being wasted.  That’s why I feel such urgency to get the furniture to as many people as quickly as possible. 

   When we apply the uThrones principles, we’re actually reshaping our bodies & minds to operate in accord w/ the laws of the Universe.  When we do this, we’re making the already perfect union of LIFE, even ‘more perfect’.  That’s happening b/c we’re consciously coordinating our movements to mimic the geometric patterns & rhythms that define the world around us.  This system is a form of body-technology b/c it’s designed to counter-balance the negative effects of Technology. 

   This is the development of greater control, greater command over the body & mind.  Not only will we feel better, but we’ll be healthier, we’ll be more creative, we’ll be more precise – even if it’s 1% better.  The attention and mindfulness ‘muscles’ that we’re exercising will get stronger.  Before we know it, we’re getting better by 1% in a lot of ways.  Decision making can get better w/ just a few deep breaths — how valuable is that – specially if the decisions being made are consequential.  

   This is not dogmatic.  It’s based-on the Atomic Theory and all of the understanding that’s been acquired over the course of the human experience. It’s being revived at the perfect time,    That’s the unacknowledged power of serious breathing.  It’s the only way to get the MOST IMPORTANT thing to LIFE – oxygen – into the body.  Intentional breathing that’s nasal-centric is the beginning of our most conscious opposition to the force of gravity and its attempts to bring about our demise.   But it’s not just about breath, the slow-motion movements are necessary for utilizing gravity’s power to assist in the delivery of oxygen & nutrients.  This furthers awakens us to our power to sequence the use of our muscles to help the rest of the body.  By making ‘waves’ in slow-motions, we’re using our musculature to flex blood thru the arteries and vascular networks, which makes the heart work more efficiently. 

   Like the waves of sound & light, the body too can create waves of many types — muscular-waves are only of the them.  Waving the body is the summation of the incremental stages of muscular/respiratory coordination  By calling into action the unused muscles to ELEVATE & EXPAND we’re sharing the force of gravity.  By using other muscles that are not typically flexed to resist the pull of gravity we’re allowing the over-used muscles to rest while the other muscles get what they need.  That enables the heart to pump more oxygen to the cells.  It may not seem important, but our conformity to the body’s
curves can reduce the ‘friction’ as the blood cells deliver oxygen.  The analogy is that by conforming more to our bodies, we can conform more to the laws of nature — and use them to increase the creativeness & originality of the unique ways in which we conform.  


Contact us on social media, or send an email to, and we’ll start working on a custom set of uThrones for U.  Thanks for believing in urself – never stop!!!!

Evan Dunn

I'm just a kid from Norman Oklahoma who's obsessed w/ maximizing human potential, and preempting the problems caused by the modern world. I self-handicapped until the pain that I was causing myself was so great that I had to design a new type of furniture to solve the problems: I call them "uThrones". By stabilizing the body and slowing the rhythm of our breath & movements, we allow more of the inner-sensations to be registered, synthesized, and then integrated. Knowledge, ideas, physical spaces, people sound waves, light photons, etc. -- it all comes together in the awareness of the ever-present 'Now'. That's what builds greater focus. That's what's empowering. That's what allows for us to actualize & test these ideas. Even if we only improve by one percent, that's perfect. Why is that acceptable? B/c in the beginning it will be the most difficult to be patient, but it's by denying ourselves if U become better aligned, U awaken the body's synergistic design. If even one sector becomes more balanced, everything benefits. We all have the same basic DNA design that allows us to all heal more, hurt less, focus more, and to do so by slowing down the speed at which we move & breathe., The better we use our skeletal-muscular systems, the better we share the force of gravity. Keeping and maintaining our bodies to be as healthy & productive is as important as its ever been, perhaps more so now b/c we have the added burden of technology. uThrones is the furniture for this philosophical approach to breathing & movement. The body has 'centers' in the hands, the feet, the neck, the chest, all over, and when they're aligned the self-generated liberation can commence. That may read a little meta-physical, but it's a natural reaction to the utilization of the body's innate dimensions for maximizing it's force to live. It can be done, they've helped me stay alive and I have a rare form of brain cancer. So if they can do that for me, they must be able to help U some. Thanks, Ev

Pics for April 6th

I think we all need something to do consistently to feel at peace w/ ourselves.  I’m gonna start a ‘Daily Pic’ post about uThrones (in some fashion).  Some analysis will follow.  I hope U like it and get something from it.   Taiqi in a river Taiqi at a photoshoot Taiqi w/ uThrones at 83 …

Pics for April 6th Read More »